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What services do we offer?

Most of all we aim to only offer what you need.


Our flexible range of options include:

  • Ensuring new employees are screened efficiently and effectively with pre-placement occupational health risk assessments.

  • Providing Occupational health consultations with doctors and Nurse Advisors.

  • We offer ill-health retirement assessments in accordance with pension scheme arrangements.

  •  Providing high quality guidance to you on health at related work issues including specific advice to support individual employees and line managers.

  • Ensuring employees receive appropriate occupational health surveillance according to your business needs and current HSE guidelines (e.g. audiometry, lung function etc).

  • Work based risk assessments.

  • Workforce and management support with health education and practical advice relevant to your business.


What do your consultation reports include?

We believe reports should:

  • Answer the questions you have raised in your referral letter.

  • Be objective not subjective.

  • Be action orientated.

  • Understand the working environment and role clearly.

  • Explain how the employee’s current health issues impact upon their ability to perform their duties.

  • Advise what adjustments if any are necessary to support your employee in the workplace.

  • Improve line manager confidence in supporting return to work.


What contract options do we offer?

We offer contracts according to our clients needs these are negotiated on an individual basis.

We also offer a pay as you go service.


Can we choose which site our worker is seen at? Do you do onsite assessments?


Your worker can be seen at a site most convenient to them. Assessments can be conducted at the workplace where appropriate or are specifically needed, such as an ergonomic assessment. Additional fees may apply for travel expenses.


 What is the waiting time for appointments and reports?


We aim to be responsive and flexible. Appointments are typically available within five working days but we can accommodate more urgent requests if necessary.

Reports are typically prepared within 48hrs but the worker can request to see it in advance. In which case they are allowed 5 working days to provide their consent.


What can the nurse do?


Our nurse is very experienced and can see people for face to face case management medicals, she also conducts all our surveillance and screening work as well as reviewing pre- placements risk assessments. In fact she can deal with all but the most complex medical cases and ill health retirement medicals.





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