Occupational Health is based on the effects of health on work – and the effects of work on health. Health risk analysis simply investigates the health hazards which may exist in the work place.
These include:
Health surveillance should be undertaken when:
It is required by legislation eg COSHH and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.
There is an identifiable disease or adverse health effect which may be related to work and there is a reasonable likelihood of this occurring under those conditions at work.
There is a valid detection technique.
It is of benefit to employees to be included in the health surveillance.
The effectiveness of work controlled measures are in doubt.
There remains a perceived residual risk to health after controlled measures have been introduced.
Range of services​​​​​​
Night Worker Medicals
Fork Lift Truck Medical Assessment
HGV/LGV medical assessment
Lung Function Testing and surveillance
Hearing Tests and surveillance
Skin surveillance
HAVS assessment
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Airside Medicals
Driver Medicals​
We advise you on your responsibilities to the well being of your employees, under the ever increasing amount of UK and EU Occupational legislation.
We will not recommend any health surveillance unless it is;
Evidence based.
A valid measurement or activity.
Legally required.
That is part of our promise to you to never sell you anything you don’t need.